Свободные лицензии в открытых образовательных ресурсах

Евгений Ярославич Моисеичев


В работе рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с применением свободных лицензий в Открытых образовательных ресурсах, с целью изучения лучшего зарубежного опыта и его применения в российских условиях. Анализ поставленной проблематики проведен в три этапа в трех плоскостях, начиная с рассмотрения понятия «свободная лицензия», переходя к вопросу применения свободных лицензий в Открытых образовательных ресурсах и заканчивая рассмотрением перспектив применения свободных лицензий в ООР в рамках модели открытых инноваций.

Free licenses for Open Educational Resources

The article is devoted to the topic of free licenses on copyright items in the context of their use in Open Educational Resources. The author sets out to explore vast foreign experience in this field to draw lessons for Russia. The phenomenon of free licenses is analyzed in three dimensions that have been added consequently to the analysis thus increasing its overall level of complexity. Firstly, the notion of free licenses itself is explained with Creative Commons licenses being chosen as most suitable to use in science and education. Such choice has been made given the extreme flexibility of Creative Commons licenses, despite the number of drawbacks associated with that family of licenses. Then, both foreign and national experience in the creation of Open Educational Resources is described. While free licenses abroad are gaining popularity among OER creators, their counterparts in Russia, in contrast, are less enthusiastic due to a handful of factors. On one hand, the novelty of the topic comes into play and, on the other hand, Russia’s legislation is not encouraging enough for OER to flourish. Based on the up-to-date conjuncture the three future scenarios are drawn among which the one that looks most realistically reads as “in the presence of no legal changes in Russia’s copyright legislation OER will develop slowly yet steadily”. Finally, the third dimension is added to the analysis, that is, the possibility of free licenses implementation in OER in the framework of open innovations’ value chains. This possibility is seen as a unique chance to burst the development of OER in Russia. Though, many caveats lie ahead and goodwill risks are seen as one of the potential pitfalls.

Полный текст:



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