Мобильный сервис принятия решений в экстремальных ситуациях на основе облачных технологий второго поколения и модели искусственного общества
Рассмотрены аспекты разработки массовых мобильных сервисов для интеллектуальной поддержки персональных решений в экстремальных ситуациях с учетом фактора доверия пользователей на основе облачной платформы CLAVIRE и моделированием социальных процессов.
Mobile decision support second-generation cloud technologies and artificial society simulation based service for emergency situations
Modern smartphones are multipurpose devices that provide great opportunities, such as Internet access, positioning technology, and others. Together with the modern cloud technologies it allows to organize mass mobile services (MMS), focused on personalized decision support users. One of the specific directions of the development of massive mobile services is extreme situations support, which includes the notification of this situation and the organization of the evacuation. The distribution of mobile technology not only able to improve the speed of response to a potential threat, but also able to independently take steps that reduce the risk of it for individual. The results of the MMS computing are a set of scenarios that allow the user to choose the decision on the ground. To construct scenarios in terms of incompleteness and indeterminacy of input information we are using computer simulation, requiring the use of cloud technology to implement intensive procedures. This article discusses aspects of MMS for intelligent evacuation support in emergency situations based on the second-generation cloud platform CLAVIRE.
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